On Tuesday I shared my limited knowledge of how to use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint with my new friend, Paula. I met her when I went to the sale at Southern Institute of Faux Finishing a few weeks ago. She makes jewelry, paints furniture and sells things at the Central Mississippi Flea Market in Kosciusko. She had not used ASCP and wanted to learn. I convinced her to purchase the starter kit which included all the basic tools and two cans of paint( it is a really good value). She sent me a photo of the two items she wanted to paint, one was a secretary and the other an old chest of drawers. I suggested the colors for her....Old White and Paris Gray were my choices. She brought just a couple of drawers from the items and I showed her how. It was a painted chest with gold handles(above photo)
It looks green in the photo but it's Old White. The batteries we dead in my camera so I used the Iphone so not a great picture,oops! Anyway we gave it two coats of Old White. Then we waxed with clear wax. Then we mixed the dark and clear wax and began with the handles.
Such a great improvement!! The rest of the piece will be painted Paris gray.
It is going to be lovely!!I am sure it will fetch a good price at the flea market!
I know it is hard to tell what this is, but it is a hanging light fixture. I found it in mom's attic this past weekend. I have great plans for this !
Below is a chest from the cabin. It had many coats of paint: yellow, blue and finally black. Will need to do a lot of sanding...the drawers would hardly close from all the paint. This will go in one of the bedrooms so I am choosing a delightful blue. Went looking for just the right color today!!
It was not in wonderful shape, it even has a removeable lid!! I have to figure out how to put it back on. It seemed to just be glued on. Gonna try that.
So look for the finished product in the weeks to come.
This was our first trip to begin working on the cabin. It was a lot of hard work but we made it livable!
Our favorite spot sitting at this picnic table and watching the river!
We just love this screened porch and have all sorts of plans for it.
This view is from the road. The guys(Bob and Richard) worked so hard to get the yards cleared. We did not see any snakes!! Bob did have a terrible encounter with some yellow jackets! Apparently their nests are under the ground, they were under these bushes in front! Yikes!!
My sister-in-law Barbara and I did the inside cleaning. Made a lot of progress and began to think of projects to make it more comfy! Hence, the painted chest!
Thanks for visiting.
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